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Business Reception

2019-09-09 14:26:34
      Confucius said: "It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar”. The business reception of Qingdao International Horticultural Expo Park is based on the principle of “Greet every guest with smile and courtesy”, providing a full-service, one-stop, zero-distance battery car tour and VIP tour guide service for the tourists, and creating preferential, beautiful, high-quality and enjoyable “Leyou” park tour experience.
     Tel for “Leyou” park tour: 0532-58703788
     “Leyou” Route 1: "Expo Park Scenic Tour" - 1 hour
     Explore the entire park by car and visit the Botanical Pavilion on foot
     “Leyou” Route 2: "Expo Park Fantastic Tour " - 2 hours (Available for April – October)
     Explore the entire park by car, and visit the Botanical Pavilion, Lotus Garden, and Chinese Garden (International Garden) on foot.
     “Leyou” Route 3: "Expo Park Children's Dream Tour" - 3 hours
Explore the entire park by car, and visit the Botanical Pavilion, Children's Dream Garden, Chinese Garden and International Garden on foot.
     “Leyou” Route 4: "Expo Park Full Tour " - 4 hours (Available for April - October holiday)
     Explore the entire park by car, and visit the Botanical Pavilion, Lotus Garden, Children's Dream Garden, Theme Pavilion, Chinese Garden and International Garden.
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